Creating Original Characters
Cartoon characters make lasting impressions on many people. They are remembered because of the way they look. They are unique. When you have created a cartoon character, you have in fact formed a creation and it is very much your own. How do you go about creating original characters?
Start by changing the way you always start drawing. For example, if you always start with the eyes first, maybe you can try starting with the head first. Or the nose, or the hair.
Alter the proportions. Maybe make the eyes bigger, or closer, or drooping, or with special eyeballs……Or the jaw. Make it more pointed, or broader…..
Randomly reshuffle the combinations. Maybe big nose with small eyes….. Make cards with each characteristic. For example, one card may have big eyes, another card long hair, and still another card big nose…..Reshuffle the cards and deal out the cards. See the combination of characteristics, and start drawing the face.
Incidentally, the face is the most important part of any cartoon because from it we can see the expressions, and emotions.

Long Neck Boy
Exaggeration is the norm in cartoons

Fat Boy
Different shapes makes interesting cartoons